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German home battery sales collapse but larger systems on the rise
German energy storage sales are shrinking, especially home systems, but commercial and industrial (C&I) and utility-scale numbers are rising and the Federal Association of Energy Storage Systems (BVES) wants faster permitting and better regulation.
13 hours ago

‘Without energy storage, renewables are not serious power plants’
Chinese inverter and energy storage maker Sungrow invited 300 guests from 20 European countries to its ESS [energy storage system] Experience Day event in Munich, Germany. Discussions focused on energy storage, projects, market figures, and the energy transition. The conclusion: More storage and grid expansion are needed.

‘EU aim of 90% European batteries by 2030 is way off’
European battery cell demand could hit 1 TWh per year by 2030 so domestic manufacturing capacity is vital to avoid dependence on Asia. Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) says the European Union's 90% local battery target will be missed in half of its modeled scenarios.
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Global Battery Alliance launches Battery Passport pilots
The Global Battery Alliance (GBA) has just launched the second wave of its Battery Passport pilots, which includes 11 pilot consortia. This second wave will establish the Minimum Viable Product of the GBA Battery Passport with a product-level ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) score.

BESS, deep learning simulations: decrease in wholesale price variability
Donato Leo is the author of a study on the relationship between photovoltaics, batteries and wholesale energy prices in Italy. Leo's deep learning simulations suggest changes in energy prices as installed battery capacity increases.

New York offers $5 million for long-duration storage projects
The funding will advance the development and demonstration of scalable innovative long duration energy storage (LDES) solutions and be available via a competitive solicitation run by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).

Germany, UK, Ireland, Poland offer best renewables + BESS colocation potential
Market analytics provider Aurora Energy Research has examined the potential for colocation of renewables with battery energy storage systems (BESS) across 12 European countries. It found that Germany, Great Britain, the Ireland I-SEM, and Poland are leading the pack.

Austria offers €17.9 million to fund storage
The Austrian authorities have offered €17.9 million ($19 million) to fund medium-sized electricity storage systems, with €10 million from the climate action protection ministry and €7.9 million from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

European battery market growth to drop off amid falling electricity prices
The latest analysis from SolarPower Europe reveals that, in 2023, Europe installed 17.2 GWh of new battery energy storage systems (BESS), up from up from 8.8 GW in 2022. While this marks the third consecutive year of doubling the annual market, much slower growth is expected in the years to come.